Monday, June 7, 2010

Yo Soy Peruano

As I mentioned in my previous blog, I'm staying with my homestay family from last year and there are two girls staying here from the same program that I was with last year. On Saturday I went with them to an exchange event where the International Studies Abroad (ISA) students can interact with Peruvian students and learn their way around the city as well as learn a little bit about the culture. When I got to the center the organizer of the event thought that I was Peruvian and so she had me sign in with the Peruvians and then I was put in charge of 3 of the girls to show them around and get them on the bus to go to the center.

I did so successfully and then helped bring them to the Plaza de armas, or city square. Once I got there I started talking to some of the other students and one of the guys turned to me and said "Your English is very good, you don't have an accent at all" hahaha, to which I responded "That might be because I'm American" I have to say that this has been my proudest moment in Peru, everyone back home jokingly says that I'm Peruvian but now I have been mistaken for a Peruvian by Peruvians as well as visiting Americans.

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