Monday, June 14, 2010

Where 2 or more are gathered...

I went to the church service which the pastor told me started at 6:30 but when I looked at the flyer he gave me it said 6:00. Nonetheless, I was stuck at the orphange for a little longer than expected do I made it to the church a little after 6:30 and they were all there waiting for me. Now when I say they were ¨all¨ there waiting for me I mean that the church only has 5 members all of whom were there as well as 5 or 6 kids and 2 teenagers. When I got there we talked for a while about why I was there and then about the fact that I will be studying to be a pastor in the Methodist Church which they were very happy about. I also asked them about the history of their church and they said they have been around for 9 years but only became an official Methodist church about 3 years ago. Also, the pastor only just arrived in March. Although they are small in number the fact that they have stayed for 9 years even though they have not grown says something about their faith. The service started and the Pastor played the guitar and sang to lead the group...two things he can not do...Craig if you are reading this, I miss you. Regardless, it was a good service and the pastor preached from the lectionary and stuck to the scripture, I was pleasantly surprised since often in Latin American countries the pastors lack theological education and so their sermons often to stay true to the scripture. That was not the case here. Overall it was a very good experience and I look forward to seeing how I can help them out during my short time here but more importantly I look forward to learning from them.



1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that things are going good.I was very happy to get your phone call today it was great to hear your voice. I love and miss you!!!
